Toucan Eco ARTG Listed as Hospital Grade Solutions

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Toucan Eco kills coronavirus

Toucan Eco ARTG Listed as Hospital Grade Solutions

Toucan Eco’s disinfectant solution has received TGA approval for use against COVID-19. This is proven effective against SARS-CoV-2.

The Science Behind Toucan Eco

The solution is made by electrolysing water (H2O) and salt (NaCL), producing hypochlorous acid (HOCI).
HOCI is a weak acid, yet powerful disinfectants produced by the human body to fight infections. It is one of the most potent natural disinfectants.

How to Use Toucan Eco

Spray the solution directly onto surfaces, including glass and fabrics. Leave to dry or wipe away. It also works as a deodoriser and can be applied as a mist to disinfect large areas. For best results, use in two stages: clean surfaces first, then disinfect.

Growing Use of Hypochlorous Acid

Businesses are adopting hypochlorous acid for non-chemical cleaning solutions. It is cost-effective and environmentally friendly. Toucan Eco Listed as Hospital Grade Solutions is widely used in Europe,  Japan, South Korea, and America. It disinfects clothing, ambulance cabins, and various businesses.

Powerful, Safe, and Eco-Friendly

Toucan Eco offers a sustainable cleaning system effective against coronaviruses. It reduces the use of synthetic chemicals and single-use plastic bottles. Models range from one litre for home use to larger models for businesses.

TGA and ARTG Information

The Australian Registered Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) ensures the safety and efficacy of therapeutic goods. For more information, visit the TGA website.  ARTG Listed as Hospital Grade Solutions is listed under number 349030.

FAQs About TGA

Do Toucan Eco systems require TGA approval?
No, these products are exempt from regulation.

Do solutions produced by Toucan Eco require TGA approval?
Not if used within your household or for environmental control purposes. Otherwise, yes, they require TGA registration.

Can ECA Australasia provide TGA-approved bottled solutions with claims against COVID-19?
Yes, ECA Australasia is approved to sell Toucan Eco ARTG Listed as Hospital Grade Solutions with claims against COVID-19 (TGA approval 349030).


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